15 December 2010


Been busy being social, and it's killing the parts of me that fix me to a window facing a neighbor's wall so I can keep away from the poetry while it happens, always between dark and dawn. Here's something from tonight.



be satisfied
be satisfied
be satisfied
I will it.
the food on the table
the man in your arms
the rain and the trees, and the trees and the river
and the rain and the trees and the river and everything
be happy today
be happy today
be happy today
I will it.
a day’s work
a dollar earned
a woman with her compliments
a place to go home to
be content
be content
be content
I will it.
snapped twigs
a way to go by
having your forest
and your open field, too,
the food on the table and the man in your arms, a day’s work and a dollar earned,
and the food on the table and the man in your arms and a day’s work and a dollar earned and everything
the will residing, 
residing in the passions’ suburbia

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