04 June 2010

Vocab Day- Adumbrate

Welcome to the first Vocab Day post! It's really not all that exciting. On days when I don't have new work and can't find un-posted old work, I'll put up a cool word for you to drop in the day's conversations so your sentences will be nice and lumpy with out-of-place multisyllabic chunks of fancy-sounding vocabulary.

Today's word is...

Adumbrate (v. trans.)

New Oxford American Dictionary says:

  1. report or represent in outline
  2. indicate faintly
  3. foreshadow or symbolize
  4. overshadow
Here's an example of usage #1 from a New York Times article

"The subjects of Mr. Bush's domestic proposals are worthy enough, although he might have chosen other examples to adumbrate his vision."

Here's Germaine Greer with an example of usage #2 from a BBC panel review of Twelve by Nick McDonell-

"It strangely veers between innocence and awkwardness with the world, because they are kids, they're teenagers, and incredible sophistication. And all the time there's the adumbrated absent parent, who is actually a father. They're all somehow looking for this father who will make everything OK."

So go ahead and take this word to this weekend's cocktail parties- if you're the kind of person who would use "adumbrate," it's likely you needed a date anyway.

(Mostly kidding, people. Building vocabulary is great- but we all know that one guy with the word-a-day calendar...)

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