23 August 2010

relative importance

What good,
I do not proclaim,
what good is it?

What purpose?
What function?
And to what degree, and how?

Here is another image from my life-
Doves, Roses, Waters, Lillies, etc., etc., or some such “beautiful” bullshit-
and attached to it some such projection of my psychology.

Because those “eternal” “beautiful” “waters”
stifle my exuberance with their arresting gag
and I am “moved” enough to “write” a “poem”

and because it is only water,
and because it is only a poem,
and because yous wander normally amid only waters,

I know that I am alone.
Nothing is more isolating than my love for these died away "moments".
My insistence on the power of

4pm light on leaves
a self-indulgent thought at 4am,
is, admittedly, a private lunacy.

I do not proclaim.
There are skyscrapers for that.
I do not analyze or press

Gods or Governments for answers to these
imaginary questions.

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